Where to begin...
The last few months have been crazy!
For starters, in case you weren't aware, we're home!
Being home, and having our whole family back together has been wonderful, but as you could imagine, it's also been a crazy transition. Now that we've got our feet back under us, we'd like to catch you up on what's happened and happening with the Kissling family.
For starters, we came home and moved into a new house with an incredible family, "The Fennigs".
As crazy as it sounds, living in direct community with another family is something we've wanted to do for a long time and started dreaming about with the Fennig's before we went back to Uganda. They (Thaddeus, Kristen, and their two kids) are an awesome family, and so far, living together has been amazing experience!
Our New Family |
Coryn is still working at Beckman High School as well as being a stellar wife and momma! She's incredibly busy with work, but I can tell that she truly loves being back and having a whole new group of students to teach and pour into. I really got lucky snatching up this girl!
Daniel has also had some cool new stuff Going on! Not only did the boys get some new siblings with us combining homes, but, Daniel also started Kindergarten! If you know Daniel, you'd expect him to be a ton of fun in the class room, and you'd be right! His teacher said he's acclimated quickly and is making a ton of friends (I kind of think he's her favorite)!
Nemo, who was really struggling with all the transition before I got back, really seems to have settled in with Dad back in the picture. It's been great being back home with him and the rest of the family! Two months of our family being separated was WAY TOO LONG!
As for myself, being home has been interesting! I've jumped right back into serving at Rockharbor as a Worship Leader and Apprentice while at the same time, playing a part time stay at home dad. It took awhile, but I think we've finally figured out the rhythms of this new/old life hybrid thing that we're in.
Now that we've gotten you all caught up to speed, there's a few things I'd like to tell you about.
For Starters; "Align Support"
I've just got to start this section of with a big fat THANK YOU for the way that so many of you cared for, and supported us over the last 1 1/2 year!!! We've had a few friends and supporters ask us weather or not we're still raising/in-need-of support through Align Ministries. We are still continuing to work alongside Align and absolutely love the work God is doing through them, but we're no longer taking our salary from them (read below). We would like to ask anyone who supported us to consider sponsoring a child or helping fund one of Align's great ministries.
Secondly; "The Apprenticeship"
Rockharbor is a church committed to equipping and empowering men and women to be effective ministers of the gospel of Jesus. One of the ways they do this is through a one year apprentice program. Before we left for Uganda, I was asked to join this program and am excited to finally get to jump in and be further developed as a leader within and outside the body of Christ.
As an apprentice, I'm considered an "un-payed staff member" at Rockharbor and then encouraged to raise funds for my salary. This is an invaluable opportunity, and Coryn and I are already seeing so much fruit and opportunity come out of this season of development. As you might imagine, spending 30+ hours away from our family on a single income makes this a bit of a challenge. We'd love to ask all of you who truly believe in this form of leadership development to prayerfully consider financially contributing to my salary through 2015. Our goal is to raise $1000 a month for the next 12 months to help offset our single income and childcare necessary while in the office. Go ahead and click HERE now if you'd like to support us! We look forward to updating you all next month on how the apprenticeship, and our fundraising is going.
Lastly; "Pray!"
We'd like to ask you to pray for a few things! Obviously, we'd love for you to lift up The RH Apprenticeship and our continued transition back into life stateside, but there's one big area we'd love to ask for a covering of prayer.
...:::Charlotte, NC:::...
Over the last year, we've been in a constant dialogue with the aforementioned Fennigs (our current housemates) about joining them in a church plant through Rockharbor, to Charlotte, NC. The prospect of being sent out once again comes with a myriad of feelings, both excitement and fear. We just ask that you join us in asking God for discernment and clarity regarding this decision.
We'd also love for you to pray for our upcoming trip to Charlotte at the end of February. Please pray both for provision for that trip, and that we'd get a sense for how God might be planning to use us there.
So for now, that's pretty much it! We're both excited to share what God does with and through us in the following weeks!
If you’d like to unite with us in this undertaking you may send your financial blessings to: Rockharbor C/O Jamesdon Kissling, 3095 Red Hill Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Please make checks payable to "Rockharbor" and include a memo indicating that payment is towards "Jamesdon Kissling|Apprentice"
...or Click HERE to give online.
All your support is TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!!
...or Click HERE to give online.
All your support is TAX DEDUCTIBLE!!!