God still works and the Spirit
still moves!
So, as some of you may have noticed, our blog has been a bit quiet for the last
few months. Honestly the reason for our silence has been a lack of something to
write about. There's been a lot going on, but we haven't really wanted to write
about it because none of it had to do with us getting home! But, before I get
into that, let me give you a breakdown of the last few months…
Coryn and I have both been on
personal leave from our jobs in the US the whole time (1 year+) that we’ve been
here! Since my job is, let’s say, a bit undefined, it’s been easy to take time
away. That, unfortunately, wasn’t the case for Coryn. She was blessed with a
one year leave of absence from her teaching job, and that year ended in
September. That meant that Coryn was on a plane in mid-August, with Nemo in
tow, so that she could prep for the coming school year AND keep her job! That
was a bummer, but at the time, we thought we’d have Daniel’s visa sorted, and
follow in a week or so. That didn’t quite play out as we had hoped though.
We got our appointment for Daniel’s
visa at the end of August, which meant a trip to the Nairobi Embassy for me and
“D”! We had an amazing time there with our new friends, the Magruders, as we
awaited the approval of his visa. Unfortunately, we learned that or case had
been sent for an “administrative investigation” for reasons the Embassy would
not divulge. They also couldn’t give us ANY type of time-frame. They only told
us it could be days or months! GREAT!!! :/
Daniel and I have since been back
in Uganda; couch surfing in the homes of our closest friends, dearly missing
our wife, son, mom, and brother. All the meanwhile, Coryn has been single
parenting Nehemiah, moving into a new home, working a full-time job, and missing
the snot out of us! It’s been absolutely miserable!
…and then a prophecy?!
One and a half weeks ago at
church, a woman named Nicola was teaching on Philippians and how God is in
EVERYTHING, even our times of trials and suffering. As she spoke, she kept
getting various spirit inspired words, although she wasn’t quite sure what they
meant or who they were for. First she said she felt there was someone there who
was dealing with some tough family stuff. That definitely resonated with me, but
it seemed like it could with anyone. Then, a bit later, she said that she felt
the person was a father who felt alone but God was in this with him. Now I was
really listening, but still, it could have been for anyone. As she was
finishing up, she paused during her closing prayer. She said “it might be weird”
but she felt the Spirit saying, “There’s a visa issue and God is going to bring
a breakthrough in the coming week.” Bingo! She hit the trifecta! I was
completely wrecked and the whole church prayed over our family and the word we
had received!
Throughout the following week, we
had a ton of support from our friends and family as we awaited God’s big
breakthrough! People were praying for us and even fasting with us and we really
felt the love of God tremendously! Each day passed, but still we remained
confident in the work and will of God.
As Friday came and went, I
started to feel a bit down. At one point, I even swore that I had gotten an
email notification from the Nairobi Embassy but when I checked it, nothing was
there. I was obviously disappointed that nothing had happened, but more than
that, I was disappointed that the opportunity had passed for God to show our
church and community that GOD STILL MOVES.
This week, out of pure desperation
and frustration, I kept trying to call the embassy to see if there had been any
progress on our case. Monday must have been some sort of Kenyan holiday or
something because I tried the whole day and couldn’t get a call through. Today
(Tues) started out the same way but I finally got through! The lady one the
phone told me she had emailed me on Friday (phantom email above) asking me for
Daniels passport so they can issue his visa.
She forwarded the original email,
and sure enough, God came through on Friday morning, just as He said he
would!!! OH MY GOD has never felt more right to say than at this very moment!!!
“So now what?” you may ask. Now
we come home!
It should take a week or so to
get the visa issued, but after that, we’re on a plane, and into the arms of the
ones we love!!! We’re excited to get home and begin the next chapter (church
plant?) of our lives, but I’m suddenly a bit sad at the thought of having to
say goodbye to all the amazing friends here who have fed us, housed us,
encouraged us, and just plain loved us through this rollercoaster! But right
now, the thought of a big ol’ family hug has me grinning from ear to ear!!! GOD
If you’d like to unite with us in this undertaking you may send your financial blessings to:
C/O Andrew Galbreath
354 Avocado Street #16
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Please make checks payable to "Jamesdon and/or Coryn Kissling"