These last few days have been crazy! So many things are falling into place and their provision can only be accounted for in one way! God. Last week is a blur of work, finals, and meetings in coffee shops but none the less, I feel more and more confident that Coryn and I are making tremendous progress towards our departure. We've met with some really great people that have given us so much hope and anticipation for our trip!
Our next set of sit downs was with a few people at our church heavily involved with RockHarbor's Uganda reach ministry. It was such a great feeling to feel the blessing of our home church and has led to some amazing new partnerships.
One of those partnerships was born this morning in a spur of the moment meeting with Sean Galaway from Krochet Kids International. Sean hails from our home church here in Orange County and has led many teams through Africa Renewal Ministry. He's moving to Ugnada for a year and will be in the nothern city of Gulu.
I was really excited after meeting Sean! I think mostly because he's a guy my age with a ton of ambition and compassion. There's a very calming feeling Coryn and I have gotten from knowing that half a world away, we'll be surrounded with people that are welcoming and like minded. It's been an absolute blessing!